I don't think I hate it as strongly anymore. What bothers me is the fact that this happened mainly because he had connections (and to a lesser extent money). Ever since they played "Push" by Infestation on "Welcome to the Nineties" in high school I knew he had some advantages.
It's just a disturbing trend to me. The two bands that are successful that we know were the ones with Marshall stacks when they were 16, the ones with dads who gave them thousands of dollars to put out CDs in high school and dads in bands. Maybe that's just sour grapes, but you gotta admit it's true. Wealth is not punk rock. Dynasties are inbred.
Oh yeah, that and I'm jealous.
I get this feeling that they (I12, RCP, Limp Bizkit) were doing something all along that people like you and me forgot to do. With me it's explainable by the fact that I haven't been in a steady band for awhile, but with you it's a mystery. Why does RCP deserve fame when DMC has been pounding at the same drumset for five years getting better and better and louder and louder, or when The Cadets have been falling miserably over themselves with earnest effort, rearranging their lives for their band?
Chuck says it's good this is happening, because when Jacksonville explodes like a 21st Century Seattle (and I believe that more strongly than ever now) we over at Science Project Records will be the fresh, independent unheard voice to act as a foil to our corporate rock brethren. I hope I agree, but I haven't decided yet.
None of what I just wrote makes any sense, but I'm gonna press send anyway.
Viva SPR,
PS- There's this really cool wheezing sound on "Tele- phone Number" that's melting my resistance.
PPS- You should take one of the songs from that record- ing you just made on my 4-track and put it on the comp.
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One Day you will learn that MOST things Lookout are good.
The signing of locals to major or semi-major labels is a big plus but..Jacksonville as a scene is at a big crossroads, the scene seems to be dying just when it is coming into the time that it could really shine. What is left of Jaxcore? A bunch of bands that really have no motivation because they are have struggled so long in Jax with nothing for them. Jax has not much to offer to the struggling band except a 1 or at best a couple of venues to have really good concerts. There is no one really pushing the scene anymore like Jason did. As much as some people disliked him the whole blossoming of Jaxcore could be attributed to Jason Lewis, in a sense. He gave people a chance to play, he didn't pay but who really deserves to get paid when they are still learning how to play. Anytime we really deserved to get paid Jason made it so. We knew if ever we wanted to play JL could take care of that. No one has really taken that place yet, JackRabbit's is still coming along, but it doesn't have the pull of Milkbar/Motolounge yet. Jax was a major tour stop for many an indie band previous to the demise of Milkbar/MotoLounge, and i think that the city as a whole has a major debt to pay with regard to the corrosion of the scene. Jax, as a city, will one day learn that the Rock and Roll is just as important as the Jaguars or any other thing that the Taxpayers money is wasted on. The teenagers who populate the shows are no more rowdy then the drunken idiots at the football games. (Don't get me wrong i like the Jags as much as the next guy, but i am content to watch at home because i am afraid of the element at the games, funny thing is i have never vbeen worried about going into the Milkbar or anything like that).
Also on the odd situation that is known as Club 5. One must wonder whose pockets are being lined by that set of businessmen. Of all the local nightspots to go under, Club 5 has remained strong even though they have always been the haven for the illicit activity that supposedly took place at Milkbar/Motolounge/Einsteins. What other club in the City could get away with Saturday Night Seduction. Strip clubs can't serve alcohol and have nudity at the same time, so how can they get away with "bondage shows" while serving alcohol. Is it the Mayor, or perhaps the Sheriff, or perhaps so underling who the public would never find out about (or really even care to know about) that is accepting the bribe money. Why is Club 5 constantly raided and people being arrested and the party okay to keep going on 2 hours later. Have they never got the bright idea to shut the place down? Any why do the cops protest so vigilantly when the idea that the owners of this establishment have anythign to do with the illegal activity taking place therein?
So is the recognition good for Jacksonville?
I say yes.
Will it make a difference to bands like Thee Harmonious Fists or the Cadets? Probably not, for 933 and the minions who believe whatever it sez would never buy into the belief that this is what Punk rawk is all about. How can you ever like somethign that is good when all you are exposed to is bad stuff? That is the question for listeners of "commercial alternative radio", which is an oxymoron in of itself i do believe. How far removed is Matchbox 20 from Backstreet Boys or Christina Aguilara? Not far, they play instruments is about the only difference i can think of, the music doesn't sound different, and i can just hear Brittney Spears listing the bands she really likes; "Sugar Ray, Matchbox 20, 3rd eye Blind, etc, etc". Some local bands will buy into it, they want to be "musicians" and more power to them because that is what you will need to do to live off of music, play something that the fans of Mariah Carey would think is different and weird (ala cool) or you could always take the easy way out and do wacky videos and let them make you super popular (ala Weezer, GreenDay, and Blink 182). The objective with the fists has never been to be a teen sensation, With regards to the Cadets i really don't know what they want to do or have ever wanted to do, but i was never under the impression that they were trying to be multi-platinum rock and Roll stars, their songs are to complicated to have mass appeal.
So what is the point of all this, who knows? I don't. maybe it's to answer the question "will i ever bee a famous musician?" Well it's up to thee music playing person, do you want to be famous or do you want to be happy with what you are doing? Why do you think the Beatles died? i don't think it is because of Yoko at all anymore (like i used to prevous to playing in a band). They had done everything different that a Rock Band could do and they had become bored with what the whole rock band thing meant. Of course Ringo and Paul wanted to keep doing the Rock thing and that's why i like them best. But John and George were bored. They had done ever thing different that you could do with what is know as a Rock band!, and that was 30 years ago!!!. So does that mean that Rock and Roll should die and it should only be carried on by old guys or pathetic losers? I say no, because rock and roll is not about who can out different each other, it's about having fun, when there is no fun there is no rock and roll.
What's the definition of Rock and Roll? And what is Punk Rock? Rock and Roll is Punk, It's all ways been about a bunch of punks. Can everyone agree on that one? I believe if we all think really hard everyone who loves rock and roll, that it (Rock andRoll) as an idea, can be defined by one thing. And it's some thing that happend over 40 years ago. I won't bore you with what i think defines rock and roll you can figure it out. i'm sure if you're not able to, subsequent emails will relay what I think it is. But it all ended when it began and it could never get better and why does it have to? And why does everyone feel the need to try and improve upon it?

I have many more anti-Rock and roll propaganda that I can send you way but i am sure you are sick of it?
I am sure my half asleep rambling have ben hilarious, see you Saturday,